104 Inya Road, Kamayaut Township, Yangon, Myanmar.

This is the blog for the Holy Cross Theological College's Alumni and friends and anyone who is interested in HCTC. Here we can meet, express and reveal ourselves, and discuss. Most of all, we will have a chance to strengthen, comfort, and reinforce each other.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I have just come from the Hebrew exam and was thinking how it was easy to be in HCTC.

For me, studying at HCTC is totally different from any other school that I have attended or will attend, because I found my family, my community, and my vocation at HCTC. I had this great chance to study with a fabulous faculty. They may not be world class professors; yet they do know what they are doing and are strong in the faith. I miss HCTC!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

2005-2006 Graduation....

Here are some photos I received from my classmate, Myatt Hsu Mon, while I was studying at EDS. These pictures touched my heart; I felt like I was back home again.
Please forgive me that I cannot honor the graduating students by naming them individually, but deep down in my heart I am very proud of them.

credits to Ma Cho

Thanks to Deacon David J Hogarth

I should mention a person who generously let me use his years of work. I convey my deep thanks to Deacon David Judson Hogarth who let me use his pictures and helped me a lot while I was building this blog. Thanks to him and may God bless him.

Oh, I should mention that he is a great teacher at HCTC and benefactor of HTC (Holy Trinity Cathedral). Of course he is a benefactor of our college as well. If you want to know more about him you can just click here or go to here
or go to http://mit.edu/davidh

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Song of Jabez

Personally, this is my favorite song and for me it is the most powerful and encouraging song ever.
I hope everyone knows the story of Jabez. He happened to be the most lowliest member in his family and his mom name him Jabez, because she bore him in pain. But the little Jabez didn't easily give up his life but he put on his trust in God. And prayed God to expand his horizon and territory. He became a wealthiest, most blessed in his family is the next thing he knew after he prayed to God earnestly.

God lifted up every poor and weak to glorify his name.

The art of singing at HCTC

I believe you would still remember singing Do, Re, Mi, Fa......

I don't know about you guys, but for me the music class is the most entertaining class that I ever took at HCTC.

Graduated Studnets of Year 2005

You can see the enthusiasm and willingness to serve the Lord in this group of Angels.

This is my Class and most of us are in ministry now. Some became youth organizers , some lecturers, some coordinators in diocesan offices and wow... we all are actively serving the Lord now.

In Mawlamyine .....
1 months internship at leprosy hospital.

Bago workshop.

During Da Class...

The joyious moments at HCTC

This is the front view of Girls domn.
Isn't it beautiful? Yeah it is beautiful and so our Sayama (the female students).

Another dormitory for girls.

Somebody tell me what it is?

Way to Heaven!!

The heart of our college!!

The Arch of our College

I hope you recognize this arch. It wasn't put on top of the entrance gate while I was in HCTC. Like in the picture is was leaning right beside of male hostel. Even though, this arch is the symbol of our college it was in the place where no one could see for many years. From which, I learned that something in the life of God's servant, there is a time that you have to stay low and be humble. But surely God will lift you up in the mountain top to glorify His name. As in plasm, you will be lifted up to draw all the people to be the children of God.