104 Inya Road, Kamayaut Township, Yangon, Myanmar.

This is the blog for the Holy Cross Theological College's Alumni and friends and anyone who is interested in HCTC. Here we can meet, express and reveal ourselves, and discuss. Most of all, we will have a chance to strengthen, comfort, and reinforce each other.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I have just come from the Hebrew exam and was thinking how it was easy to be in HCTC.

For me, studying at HCTC is totally different from any other school that I have attended or will attend, because I found my family, my community, and my vocation at HCTC. I had this great chance to study with a fabulous faculty. They may not be world class professors; yet they do know what they are doing and are strong in the faith. I miss HCTC!!

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