104 Inya Road, Kamayaut Township, Yangon, Myanmar.

This is the blog for the Holy Cross Theological College's Alumni and friends and anyone who is interested in HCTC. Here we can meet, express and reveal ourselves, and discuss. Most of all, we will have a chance to strengthen, comfort, and reinforce each other.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Thanks to Deacon David J Hogarth

I should mention a person who generously let me use his years of work. I convey my deep thanks to Deacon David Judson Hogarth who let me use his pictures and helped me a lot while I was building this blog. Thanks to him and may God bless him.

Oh, I should mention that he is a great teacher at HCTC and benefactor of HTC (Holy Trinity Cathedral). Of course he is a benefactor of our college as well. If you want to know more about him you can just click here or go to here
or go to http://mit.edu/davidh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.