Myanmar is a country in South East Asia and its neighboring countries are China in the North, India and Bangladesh in the West, Thailand in the South. Myanmar was under (still is) under the military regime for more than 60 years and it is an under developed country. Over 60 millions people living in Myanmar and it has 8 major ethnic groups. Buddhism is the dominant religion in the country and 90% of the population is Buddhists. Christianity shares only 4% (2400000) of the population and Anglican Christian contribute only 10,000 to that. Only 2.4% of Christian population is Anglican. Myanmar first contact with Christianity was said to be occurred in 16 century through the merchants and traders from the West.
This is the blog for the Holy Cross Theological College's Alumni and friends and anyone who is interested in HCTC. Here we can meet, express and reveal ourselves, and discuss. Most of all, we will have a chance to strengthen, comfort, and reinforce each other.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Revisiting the past and Looking forward to Future
Myanmar is a country in South East Asia and its neighboring countries are China in the North, India and Bangladesh in the West, Thailand in the South. Myanmar was under (still is) under the military regime for more than 60 years and it is an under developed country. Over 60 millions people living in Myanmar and it has 8 major ethnic groups. Buddhism is the dominant religion in the country and 90% of the population is Buddhists. Christianity shares only 4% (2400000) of the population and Anglican Christian contribute only 10,000 to that. Only 2.4% of Christian population is Anglican. Myanmar first contact with Christianity was said to be occurred in 16 century through the merchants and traders from the West.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
The Anglican Church in Myanmar: the way we worship
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Is the idea of "Messiah must suffer" from Luke, an oxymoron or an invention of Luke?
A brief History of Holy Cross Theological College
A brief History of Holy Cross Theological College
The Holy Cross Theological College ( then known as college of the Holy Cross) had a very humble beginning as a Bible school at Kyimindaing, a mission headquarters situated at the outskirt of Yangon at that time. It was the first Bible school that was opened in the Yangon Diocese in 1883 by the Rt Rev John Miller stranchen. Due to the lack of school teachers at Mission Headquarters at Kyimindaing, (Yangon) the Rt Rev R.S. Fyffe moved the school to Mandalay, and Myittha (upper Myanmar) in 1916. Then in 1924, it was moved back again to St. Michael’s Church, Kyimindaing which was the mission centre for Delta and Pyay areas.
The Yangon Diocesan Council decided in August 1929, that the Divinity School (as it was known then) should be made a proper institution with separate building and a full time missionary in-charge of it. This decision was materialized when the Divinity School was moved to Kokkaing situated at the eastern bank of Lake Inya where new Bible school building was built by the Rt Rev Norman Tubbs in 1931. The foundation stone of the College of the Holy Cross was laid byt the Metropolitan of the Church of the India, Burma and Ceylon, by the Most Rt Foss Westscott at the present site within the Holy Cross Church compound on 12 February 1934 with hostel facilities for ordinand training. The new College building was completed within a few months and Bible school was moved to the facilities which were called College of the Holy Cross. The new College was consecrated by the Rt Rev G.A.West on 27 February 1935. The aim of the Whole venture was to educate and train indigenous ministers to meet the new conditions in Myanmar. The College was closed during the WWII from 1942 to 1945. After the war it was reopened from 1946 to 1950. Again it was closed from 1950 to 1955 due to internal unrest. During the period it was opened as a interdenominational University students hostel. The College was reopened for ordinands in 1955 by the Rt Rev V. G. Shearburn.
All the foreign missionaries left Myanmar in 1966 in including the Bishop of Yangon for good. Consequently, the Holy Cross Divinity College was came under the care of the new indigenous bishop, the Rt Rev F. Ah Mya. On 24 February 1970, the Yangon Diocese became the church of the Province of Myanmar, Which was formed comprising four dioceses (namely Yangon, Mandalay, Hpa-an and Sittwe) out of the former diocese of Yangon. Accordingly, it became the College under the direct care of the province called the Church of the Province of Myanmar. At the 9th . Provincial Council held at Toungoo in 1984, a 10-year plan for a higher theological education was adopted with a view to conferring degree on trainees of both sexes, ordinands and Laity. Consequently, the programme was began in 1989. Starting from 1993 the college has been conferring the B. Th. Degree in consultation with the other theological institutions and members of the ATEM.
The Holy Cross Theological College is a constituent member of the ATESEA. The Board of ATESEA approved the B.Th degree of Holy Cross Theological College on 3 March 1999.
The Holy Cross Theological College has drawn up a second 10 year Plan (2011-2020) at the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee celebration which was held on 27-28 February 2010. The college is starting to implement the improvement programme for B.Th. degree a proposed by the plan starting from 2011.
The Principals of The College
Rev. George Appleton (1934-1942),
Rev. Garrad (1946-1947),
Rev. George L. Tidey (1948-1950),
Rev John Maung Pe (1955-1966),
Rev Canon Stephen San Hoo (1966-1976),
Rev Samuel San Si Htay (1976-1990),
Rev John Wilme (1990-1994),
Rev Samuel Htang Oak (1994-1998),
Rev. Mark Saw Maung Doe (1998-2006),
Rev. Dr. Simon Be Bin Htu (2006-2010) and
Rev. Dr. Samuel San Myat Shwe (2010-present).
Mission Statement
The Holy Cross Theological College (HCTC) has been nurturing the leaders and ordinands for the CPM since 1935. The primary mission of the HCTC is to train ordained and mission workers and future leaders of the CPM.
To materialize the mission statement the main objectives fostered by the college are:-
(a) Discipleship –To make the true followers of Christ who serve the Lord and other people with full dedication and humbleness.
(b) Christian Education – To Impart academically and contextually sound knowledge on biblical, theological, historical, and social etc. essential for the service of God.
(c) Mission - To carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ and shepherding of the folk.
(d) Anglican Heritage – To uphold the Anglican identity and characteristics.
(e) Leadership Development – To nurture leadership ability with high spiritual and moral standard.
There are four departments at the college.
Practical department
Historical department
Theological/ Anglican Studies
Biblical department
Motto: Obedience, Poverty, Chastity
Themes for Academic Years
2006-2007 Academic Year - Submit to God and be at peace with Him (Job 22:21)
2007 - 2008 Academic Year - Faith expressing itself through love. (Galatians 5:6)
2008-2009 Academic Year - Keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord (Romans 12:11)
2009-2010 Academic Year - Each will receive His praise from God. (1Corinthians 4:5b)
2010-2011 Academic Year - Sing for Joy (Zechariah 2:10)
2011-2012 Academic Year - Walking in Obedience (Mark 14:36, Deut 5:33)
2012-2013 Academic Year - Imitating Christ’s Poverty (2 Corinthians 8:9)
Long Term
Post-grad program
Lay theological education
Continuing Th. Ed. for Alumni
Four-storied building
Networking and mutual relationship with local and communion theological institutions
Credit to:
I am back to this blog
Sunday, May 25, 2008
HCTC 2008 Commencement
These are the pictures from 2008 Graduation and credits go to Deacon David!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Just FYI
Here is something I just read about our new Archbishop on the Anglican Communion Network by Bishop Henry Scriven,. This is when I learned how he as Archbishop addresses his flock for the very first time.
Here's the quote: "I will seek God's will and purpose first rather than my individual concepts, vision, and personal feeling in accomplishing His mission (or) goal that is set before me. For that, I will obey Him and go forward without turning to the right or to the left."
I look forward to working under his episcopacy, and I shall try my best to serve the Lord under his supervision. If you want to read the details of this article, just click the link below!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Congratulation to the class of 2008

Another academic year has passed and our HCTC has nurtured new servants of our Lord for ministry in Church of the Province of Myanmar, yet again. My congratulations to our new graduates! Another exciting news is that Deacon David Judson Horgath will be teaching at HCTC for the whole semester next year. Praise God that the students will have a chance – through him - to improve their English and to work on the four new state of the art workstations in the Library!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

We were enjoying taking pictures with these stunning views in the horrible cold (it was like 20/18F). Ma Cho and Ma Noe from Alexandria, VA, and me at Boston, MA. We tried to keep in-touch and we reached out for each other whenever we could. Today, I've just had the news that Our New Archbishop is "Bishop Stephen Then Myint Oo". Congratulations to our newly elected Archbishop. May the Lord be with him throughout his Episcopacy!!
Good news folks! Isn't it? Let's try harder to build up the Anglican Communion in Myanmar.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I have just come from the Hebrew exam and was thinking how it was easy to be in HCTC.
For me, studying at HCTC is totally different from any other school that I have attended or will attend, because I found my family, my community, and my vocation at HCTC. I had this great chance to study with a fabulous faculty. They may not be world class professors; yet they do know what they are doing and are strong in the faith. I miss HCTC!!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
2005-2006 Graduation....
Here are some photos I received from my classmate, Myatt Hsu Mon, while I was studying at EDS. These pictures touched my heart; I felt like I was back home again.
Please forgive me that I cannot honor the graduating students by naming them individually, but deep down in my heart I am very proud of them.
credits to Ma Cho